I was on the hunt for something sweet and chocolatey one day, and was pretty excited to come across Emma & Tom's Life Bars at Woolworths. I was doing that thing where you buy the 'healthy' chocolate, so you don't feel so bad...

What I really appreciated about these bars was the short list of actual ingredients - ingredients that I could identify on a line up. Such a rarity with processed foods.

Because of this, I was able to recreate the bars myself by playing around with the quantities. Thanks and sorry, Emma and Tom.

I added some protein powder to my bars. I look for unflavoured protein powder with the fewest amount of ingredients. I like Vital Protein 100% Pea Protein and Planet Food 100% Whey Protein Isolate. Read the ingredients lists on your proteins because a lot of them contain sugar (using those sneaky names!) or artificial sweeteners and other who-knows-what.

Raw Fruit & Nut Cacao Bars

200g dates, finely chopped
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup raw organic cacao powder (note, this is different from cocoa)
80g cashews, finely chopped in a blender
90g raisins, finely chopped
2 tablespoons protein powder
1 tablespoon almond milk (if needed, to add moisture)

Combine all ingredients and shape into balls. You might even like to roll the outsides in coconut or crushed nuts. Store in the fridge. 

cacao protein balls

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